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Past Life Healing with EFT

Greetings lovely,
Details for this two-part event that begins on July 14th. You can participate 100% on your schedule if the dates/times aren’t convenient. Here’s how it’s going to work…

  • On Saturday, July 14th at 11am eastern, my husband Peter (I call him the humble shaman) and I will lead you all in a Past Life Journey to visit whatever lifetimes you need to recall for your present life healing.
  • Later that day, I will send out the recording from the journey along with a form for you to share what came up and what you need to heal. It can – and will be – kept as confidential as you need and we will keep it completely anonymous if that feels most comfortable. The reason for gathering this information is because…
  • On Thursday, July 19th at 5pm eastern, I will be leading group EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques aka Tapping) to facilitate whatever it is that you need to release as part of your past life healing. (Recording will be sent after the call to those participating remotely.)

The cost for this event is just $33 and you will access to the downloadable recordings to use as many times as you need.

Yes, I want to heal my past life wounds 
***Wondering what this is all about?

What is a Past Life Journey?
It’s a type of guided meditation where we first create sacred space that is loving and supportive. We then lead you to typically 3 different lifetimes where you will experience snippets from those soul incarnations to gain knowledge about your purpose as well as how you can heal to be more present in this lifetime.

What is EFT?
EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping is a simple and crazy powerful way to get to the root of a healing. We tap on different points on the body and greet the energies that are looking to be released (e.g. pain, trauma, etc…). Once that energy has been released, we replace it with love, forgiveness and self-acceptance. Again, simple and super effective.

What are the benefits of group healing?
Group healing is one of the most powerful modalities I know, because A) you realize you are not alone on this journey, B) someone else’s healing almost always has a nugget in there that’s personal for you…and often gets at things we don’t/can’t/won’t see. In EFT, this is known as borrowed benefits and C) you have the support of an entire angel loving community working on the same kinds of challenges.

Yes please, sign me up! 
As Gary Zukav writes, “Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.”
Peter and I would be honored to hold you in that healing space of love, my beloved earth angel.
Until next time…
With love,
Elvia xo

P.S. As one example of what this kind of healing can accomplish (and it’s different for everyone)… This past week, Peter helped me release pain I was having in my right leg. The angels had shared that it had been crushed in a prior incarnation. Since he worked his magic, it’s been about 80% better!

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